Set aggregation and how to visualize in Kibana

I have a unique requirement. Let's say I have 2 fields in my document.

  1. Build Version
  2. Defects

If X and Y are 2 build versions, I want to visualize defects that are common to X and Y and defects that are unique to X and Y. Is it possible to get even closer to what I want to achieve without repetition of values in the rows?

hi @onTop,

I think you can probably do a count per defect, for your first use-case. "Defects that are common to X and Y".

In the data-table visualization:

  • Add a terms-aggregation by Defect ("split row)"
  • Add another terms-aggregation ("split row"))
    • will create term-agg for build-version X
    • will create term-agg for build-version Y

That will give you a table with 4 columns:

  • defect-identifier
  • build-versionX identifier
  • build-versionY identifier
  • count

The issue here is of course that you might have 0-counts.

For the other use-case, defects that are only unique to one or the other, I'm not sure if you can out of the box. I would open an ER.

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