Setting a timestamp from a JSON parsed object

I am having an issue with setting a timestamp from a JSON parse.

I have this string (valid JSON):


I parse it as a json using this Logstash filter:

grok {
match => { "message" => "[%{GREEDYDATA:firstjson}]%{SPACE} [%{GREEDYDATA:secondjson}}]}]"}
source => "firstjson"
date {
match => [ "operation.createdAt", "ISO8601"]
mutate {
remove_field => [ "firstjson", "secondjson" ]

This creates a document inside the Elasticsearch. I have a field named operation.createdAt which is properly recognised as a date field. But for some reason, this line:

date {
match => [ "operation.createdAt", "ISO8601"]

is not setting @timestamp field. Current @timestamp field is set at the moment of document insertion. What am I doing wrong?

Try this syntax?

date {
    match => [ "[operation][createdAt]", "ISO8601"]

I don't think you can use this syntax operation.createdAt to refer to a child field in Logstash.

That did the trick :). Thank you

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