Setting Default Time Window Dynamically


I am trying to build a dashboard that will act a lot like the discover tab, but offer visualizations and some shortcuts for our less tech savvy users.

I have the setting for "save time with dashboard" set to true, so every time it is loaded, it is set to a default value. What I would like it to do however is have the time window automatically start with the oldest document in the index pattern, and end with the newest.

It would also be nice to have a way for that behavior to persist when I put filters onto the query, and a way to automatically reset to that window at button push.

I get the feeling that there is a way to handle some of this with the "quick ranges" in the advanced settings for Kibana, but haven't figured out anything that works yet.



Hi and welcome to our community
Sadly this is currently not possible and also you have to consider that a dashboard can have multiple data views / index patterns, which would would add another question, which range should be displayed in this case. Another issue might be, depending on the size of your cluster this could lead to issue because in this case every time the whole range of data would be queried.

It would also be nice to have a way for that behavior to persist when I put filters onto the query, and a way to automatically reset to that window at button push.

could you elaborate about this request? many thx!

That is unfortunate, but not too big of a deal. I understand that I am trying to somewhat force a use case that the system was not designed for!

The persistence I had in mind is that the time window would shift based on the filters put on the query through the dash board. i.e. if the oldest document as jan 1 1970, and the newest jul 21 2022 for the whole dataset, that would be the default window. Then, if I applied filters to say a specific model number, the start of the window would then be the oldest document for that model number, newest its newest, etc.

That behavior is very much linked to the ability to have a dynamic time window, which we don't have! And that is ok, I am still in the exploration and experimentation phase, just trying to figure out what is possible.

Thank you for you help!

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