I have read all that I could find about setting up two nodes, searched entire internet but I'm failing to set two nodes in same cluster on dev machine (test enviroment). What did I miss ?
I have 2 elastic installation folders pointing to different data/log folders, so they should act like two different nodes using two different IP's but same ports. (ip in example are dummy).
Node ports are allowed in firewall, I have access to them and running Kibana to check if node 2 connected to same cluster..but failing. Please help.
node 1 settings:
cluster.name: "Cluster-1"
node.name: "Instance-1"
node.max_local_storage_nodes : 4
network.host: ""
http.port: 9244
transport.tcp.port: 9245
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["", ""]
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1
Node 2 settings:
cluster.name: "Cluster-1"
node.name: "Instance-2"
node.max_local_storage_nodes : 4
network.host: ""
http.port: 9244
transport.tcp.port: 9245
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["", ""]
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1