Setting up Metricbeat to pull Exchange Perfmon

Trying to get Metricbeat to collect the exchange perfmon counters. Here is my current config. Any thoughts? I am getting counter not found.

  • module: windows
    metricsets: [perfmon]
    period: 30s
    perfmon.ignore_non_existent_counters: true
    perfmon.group_measurements_by_instance: true
    • object: "MSExchange Delivery SmtpSend"
      instance: "[Messages Sent/sec]"
      • name: "Messages Sent/sec"
        field: "Rateofcountspersecond32"
        format: "float"
    • object: "MSExchange Delivery SmtpReceive"
      instance: "[Messages Received/sec]"
      • name: "Messages Received/sec"
        field: "Rateofcountspersecond32"
        format: "float"
    • object: "MSExchange Delivery SmtpReceive"
      instance: "[Connections Current]"
      • name: "Connections Current"
        field: "NumberOfItems32"
        format: "float"
    • object: "MSExchange Delivery SmtpReceive"
      instance: "[Number of times MaxInboundConnectionExceededPerSource limit reached
      last hour]"
      • name: "Number of times MaxInboundConnectionExceededPerSource limit reached last hour"
        field: "NumberOfItems32"
        format: "float"

hi @zachswill, it looks like based on the configuration above the counter path is not correct or the service is not installed on your machine.
So, for example, your first perfmon.queries entry would build the following counter path \MSExchange Delivery SmtpSend(Messages Sent/sec)\Messages Sent/sec . As you noticed the instance name is not correct (the text between the parentheses).
The instance name is the name of the performance counter category instance, some counters also lack an instance name.
If you are not sure what the instance names are for this counter MSExchange Delivery SmtpSend or the rest of the counters in the list, you can have a look in the Performance Monitor app at the counter level or use the Get-Counter command with the right flags in PowerShell to get more info there.
If you want to get the metrics for all instances in Metricbeat, you can use the wildcard *.

Thanks that got it!

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