Sharepoint Online sync error

I have elasticsearch integrated with sharepoint online via elasticserach connector.
connector reads documents correctly.
however, it encounters an object named "wte" and an error occurs. the description of this object is "Web Template Extensions".
the error that appears is Received Unauthorized response for

Hi @Sheida,

Welcome to the community! I see you are encountering an unauthorized error:

Can you check the credentials are correct, and if any credentials have potentially expired?

That's my permissions, I think i have them all

that's needed permissions, right?
Graph API

  • Sites.Read.All
  • Files.Read.All
  • Group.Read.All
  • User.Read.All


  • Sites.Read.All

Hi @Sheida !

First, can you confirm that you also finished the steps in the documentation for setting up SharePoint permissions (under the title " SharePoint permissions")? Because connectors use REST API endpoints to fetch content, this section is necessary to set up SharePoint Online to accept those requests.

If you've already done that (or it doesn't fix the authorization issue), this is likely a Microsoft bug. We've seen before where the Graph API will say a resource exists, so the connector sends a request to SharePoint Online API for that resource, but the resource doesn't exist. In some of those cases, we've seen SharePoint Online return 403 Unauthorized instead of a 404 Not Found.

Unfortunately if this is the case, we can't do anything more on the Elastic side to remedy the situation. To continue troubleshooting, can you try using Microsoft Graph Explorer and see if you can reach the Graph API URL for that list? it should contain the list item ID for "wte". Then you would need to file a support ticket with Microsoft and give them the ID so they can fix the list item.

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