Elastic native connector - SharePoint

I am trying to run the Elastic search native Sharepoint connector from my Elastic cloud account. I have made all the necessary configuration as per documentation guidelines and granted all the required permission in my Sharepoint, as documented in the connector guidelines here

The connector is running and fetching partial output. But after fetching some contents from my sharepoint, during a full sync, it is throwing below error :

PermissionsMissing: Received Unauthorized response for https://myacc.sharepoint.com/sites/site1/_api/web/roleassignments?$expand=Member/users,RoleDefinitionBindings. Verify that the correct Graph API and Sharepoint permissions are granted to the app and admin consent is given. If the permissions and consent are correct, wait for several minutes and try again

Any info on how to resolve this issue would be very helpful.

Hey @hogono_comm the problematic URL indicates that the permissions issue is related to the Sharepoint REST API (and not Graph API), so let's focus on that.

  1. can you verify that your application has following permission:
- Sites.Read.All
  1. Also, you will need to Grant admin consent, using the Grant Admin Consent link from the permissions screen.
  2. Make sure you follow steps for setting up Sharepoint permissions Elastic SharePoint Online connector reference | Enterprise Search documentation [8.15] | Elastic

Let me know if this helps. There are several steps involved in the setup, and in my experience, it’s easy to accidentally miss one.