Sharing Kibana Dashboard

How can I share my kibana dashboard so that other person doesn't know that I'm actually using kibana?

The Embed Code of my dashboard for sharing is something like this

<iframe src="http://localhost:5601/goto/06ab33eb22b222dfaa1375d408417af8?embed=true" height="600" width="800"></iframe>

Here if the person I'm sharing this URL with, removes the part of the link after 5601, he or she may access my entire kibana webpage.

So how can I share my dashboard without letting anyone know that I'm actually using kibana?

So how can I share my dashboard without letting anyone know that I'm actually using kibana?

You can't hide this fact because under the hood an embedded dashboard is downloading lots of very specific scripts and is fetching data from a number of endpoints which are necessary to actually show data.

You could make it harder to access various parts with a variety of tricks, but none of them are really safe, except for deploying a security solution which locks down Kibana to only the parts needed to view a dashboard.

Take a look at Configure security in Kibana | Kibana Guide [8.11] | Elastic If you have security set up, you can create a separate user role with limited rights - you can go as far as just allowing read access to Dashboard and nothing else: Tutorial: Use role-based access control to customize Kibana spaces | Kibana Guide [8.11] | Elastic

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