FYI: I'm new to using the ELK stack.
I want to have more (easier) insight into the apache error log data my servers are producing. My plan is to create dashboards that will show me the information I need. One of the most important things I want to know is: what is the most common error in my application for a period of X hours.
So I created a test environment using elasticsearch, logstash and filebeat. I have data coming in from a test application. This data is coming from a apache error log that is send to logstash using filebeat and the GROK
I need some hints on how to create such top 100 error, I assume I have to do some kind of aggregation on the message
field. But is this something I need to implement into the logstash or filebeat config or just in the Kibana interface when creating a dashboard?
Any advice to get me started would be appreciated
A simple representation of the output I would like to have in my dashboard:
# Count: Error:
1 400 'Unable to call undefined function testx'
2 20 'Var X cannot be NULL'
... ... ....