Sincedb_clean_after not working in logstash plugin

This is my config. file for logstash file input plugin:
id => "my_plugin_id"
type => "log"
path => "/uploads//.log"
mode => "read"
start_position => beginning
sincedb_clean_after => "10 seconds"
codec => multiline

i tried using sincedb_clean_after option it won't work for me.
i am trying to re-parse old log which i had already parsed and i understand that logstash creates a db to maintain the file position of the logs and default expire is 14 days. i am trying to reduce is so that i can re-parse log files again but i am unable to do so. Whenever i restart logstash it takes the log irrespective of the scenario if it has been parsed earlier and sincedb_clean_after doesn't seem to work for me. i am using logstash 7.6.1 , please help me with the same. thanks.

can i get any update on this please?

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