Single line log into multiple logs

Is there any way to break single line logs into multi line logs using filebeat?

No, not with Filebeat, but should be possible with Logstash.

2AUK20170407000006002840700014DeitzpiascECCSERVICE1                     SAPMSSY1                                3001ZRFC_ICICI&&ZRFC_ICICI                                          itzpiascs           2AUK20170407000006002840700014DeitzpiascECCSERVICE1                     SAPMSSY1                                3001SYSU&&SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVER                                   itzpiascs           2AUK20170407000007002840700014DeitzpiascECCSERVICE1                     SAPMSSY1                                3001ZRFC_ICICI&&ZRFC_ICICI                                          itzpiascs           2AUK2017040700000002840700014DeitzpiascECCSERVICE1                     SAPMSSY1                                3001SYSU&&SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVER                                   itzpiascs

This is a log sample, there are 4 logs each log start with 2AU,log file contains millions of logs.The question is how to break the logs and remove the extra white spaces and forward to elasticsearch using logstash?

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