Snapshot to S3 from elasticsearch cloud

we're using cloud service, platinum license.
we want to snapshot logs to S3 bucket.
repository-s3 is installed on the server.
when using the devtools with this command:

 PUT /_snapshot/s3_snapshot1
  "type": "s3",
  "settings": {
    "bucket": "BUCKET_NAME",
    "region": "eu-west-1",
    "compress": "true"

(of course, changing the keys and bucket)
i get this error:

#! Deprecation: Using s3 access/secret key from repository settings. Instead store these in named clients and the elasticsearch keystore for secure settings.
  "acknowledged" : true

how do i do that? all guides i founds seems to talk about doing it from command line.

would appreciate your help!


You can go to security settings and create the keystore and add the needed credentials.

I'd recommend asking for official support if needed. Please see on how to raise a support ticket for Elastic Cloud :slight_smile:

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Hi @Ilan_Peretz

Here's the link to the UI referenced above: Other than using this UI instead of the CLI, the steps should be the same


thanks, works!

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