Solaris 10 for Elasticsearch


Can I use solaris 10 as an base operation system to install elasticsearch ?
It will be a production setup which will have 3 nodes in elasticseach cluster.

While some users are running elasticsearch on Solaris 10, this is not one of the officially supported platforms.

I'm trying to run Elasticsearch on Solaris 10 and have been able to install it and create indexes.
However when I try to load a mapping, via either curl or the Perl interface it fails with:
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason" : "failed to parse, document is empty"
"type" : "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason" : "failed to parse, document is empty"
"status" : 400

Have any other Solaris users experienced this issue?