SOLR-River plugin not working with ES

I followed all the steps that are mentioned on this page:

ES: elasticsearch-0.90.7
River Plugin: elasticsearch-river-solr-1.0.4.jar and solr-solrj-4.2.1.jar
SOLR: solr-4.6.0

However When I execute the river plugin,
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_river/solr_river/_meta -d '
"type" : "solr",
"solr" : {
"url" : "http://localhost:8080/solr/",
"q" : ":"

I get following error:

_index: _river
_type: solr_river
_id: _status
_version: 1
_score: 1
_source: {
    error: ElasticSearchParseException[Failed to derive xcontent from ]
    node: {
        id: Rfg3hxNzTWyr4xoFXFpcJg
        name: Justice
        transport_address: inet[/]
