I'm really pulling my hair out on something that should be working (I think) but is returning no results. I'm using packetbeats to feed data into my Elasticsearch setup (7.2.0). Data is there - I can see it in Kibana.
I'm writing a Python (v3.7.4) client that can connect to my Elasticsearch server and it will pull data if I search a field for a specific value. The specific problem I'm having is with date ranges. Using Kibana, I can execute the following in the Console and it finds records (or a count):
GET packetbeat*/_count
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"gte": "now-1d",
"lte": "now"
If I take the above and "flatten" it in my Python code, no records are found. Here's the relevant snippet from my Python script:
my_results = es.search(
body={"query": {"bool":{"must":[{"range": {"@timestamp": {"gte": "now-1d","lte": "now"}}}]}}},
What is it that I'm doing wrong? While I'm working on my script on a laptop and not my server, I've even copied the script over to the server and executed it there with the same exact results (no matching records).
(I have Googled more than I can shake a stick and tried many variations. My assumption is the query built in Kibana should work....since it works....)