Some fields miss getting appended by ".keyword" when you see them on Kibana after parsing it through logstash

parsed fields:
"lastModifiedDate" => nil,
"credentials" => nil,
"thumbprint" => nil,
"certificate" => nil,
"messageId" => "123",
"errorInfo" => nil,
"serviceName" => "CCMSService.GET_RUDI",
"transactionId" => nil,
"createdDate" => "2018-06-07T13:02:31.023Z",
"@timestamp" => 2018-07-03T13:42:59.770Z,
"randomNumber" => nil,
"@version" => "1",
"id" => "5b39c8075010d719bc7e250a",
"rudi" => "GTIN-76378664",
"errorcode" => nil,
"requestStatus" => nil,
"actionName" => "Get",
"status" => nil

The field is not listed on the dropdown while creating visualizations on Kibana.

It depends on the mapping that has been generated I guess. What is it?

Hey David,

I have not created any mapping as such, I just allowed the indexes to be created and the fields to be shown on kibana.

conf file is as follows:
input {
rabbitmq {
host => ""
port => "32002"
queue => "elk.test.dnd.queue"
heartbeat => 30
durable => true
password => "admin"
user => "admin"
threads => 1
ack => true
codec => "json"
rename => { "_id" => "id" }
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "abc-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

Can you share the mapping please?

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