I'm using Elastic Cloud 8.15.1.
I'm attempting to update a number of on-prem hosts to Elastic Agent 8.15.1 via Fleet and am receiving the following errors:
{"log.level":"info","@timestamp":"2024-09-17T19:12:04.387Z","log.origin":{"file.name":"http/downloader.go","file.line":340},"message":"download from https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/elastic-agent/elastic-agent-8.15.1-windows-x86_64.zip failed at 104.1MB/179.2MB (58.07% complete) @ 14.87MBps: read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.","log":{"source":"elastic-agent"},"ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
{"log.level":"warn","@timestamp":"2024-09-17T19:12:04.484Z","log.origin":{"file.name":"upgrade/step_download.go","file.line":183},"message":"unable to download package: 2 errors occurred:\n\t* package 'C:\\Program Files\\Elastic\\Agent\\data\\elastic-agent-ab6e68\\downloads\\elastic-agent-8.15.1-windows-x86_64.zip' not found: open C:\\Program Files\\Elastic\\Agent\\data\\elastic-agent-ab6e68\\downloads\\elastic-agent-8.15.1-windows-x86_64.zip: The system cannot find the file specified.\n\t* copying fetched package failed: read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.\n\n; retrying (will be retry 7) in 51.725238094s.","log":{"source":"elastic-agent"},"ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
This is occurring on all the Windows hosts in this data center, as well as a few Windows hosts in other data centers. It is not occurring on ANY Linux hosts, nor is it including on ALL Windows hosts, just the ones in this data center. I have the same issue when attempting to download the Agent from Invoke-WebRequest in Powershell. Based on this, I increased the download timeout, and it worked just fine from the command line. However, I attempted to set agent.download.timeout: "900s"
, which worked in from the command line in Powershell, however downloads from Elastic Agent are still failing.