Sonarqube code coverage for custom plugins

Hello Team,

I am trying to understand if we can use sonarqube like tools for code coverage of the custom kibana plugins. Are there is suggested frameworks or tools for Kibana.

Thanks for your help and support.


Hi @adityaPsl,

In Kibana we use istanbul.js to collect code coverage for our jest and functional tests, firstly since it is build-in in jest

Since it is an external plugin, you are free to select whatever works best for you. Make sure to check plugin development guide

Regards, Dzmitry

Thank you @Dzmitry ,

let me try this. I hope by external Plugin you mean custom Kibana plugin developed using Kibana Plugin template.

Hi @adityaPsl,

By external plugin I mean a plugin developed & supported by community. As for Kibana plugin template, I'm not sure which one you consider, but have a look at the latest examples
Taking the template from that folder is better since it is covered by out tests

Regards, Dzmitry

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