Sparse page-load documents


The page-load documents seem to be sparse compared to the number of transactions, i.e around 5%.
Is there a way to increase these to get more information or to analyse the issue?


  • Kibana: 7.12
  • Javascript rum agent: 1.18

Hi Jason,

Thanks for reaching out.

Please note that the current version of the RUM agent is 5.8.0, I recommend to use the latest version since we have made many fixes and improvements to the agent.

Regarding the issue that you are facing, I suggest to add logLevel: 'debug' to the agent configuration and monitor the browser console logs to see if page load transactions are being discarded.

Also, since the APM server might also reject some requests, please have a look at the APM server logs for any errors.

Hope this helps,

Thank you @Hamidreza . We will follow your advice and see how we go from there.

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