Specify Java version of Enterprise Search

Hi all,

I have a RHEL 7 VM with Enterprise Search 8.9.2 (Tarball) and Java 1.8. In the documentation Unterstützungsmatrix | Elastic I can read that my Enterprise Search 8.9.2 should support OpenJDK Java 1.8. But When I start with ./bin/enterprise-search I' got the error message that Java 11 is required. So, the documentation may be wrong.

How ever, I can't start my Enterprise Search. Is there a way to run different Java versions on a VM and configure the Java version which is used by Enterprise Search? Due to another on my VM, software which can only use Java 1.8, I have to my plan is to setup Java 11 parallel to 1.8 and let Enterprise Search know, to use Java 11.

Best regards


So, the documentation may be wrong.

Indeed. That looks wrong as nobody should be using Java 8 anymore.

They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production.

I'm going to raise an issue internally.

Is there a way to run different Java versions on a VM and configure the Java version which is used by Enterprise Search?

@sebastianboelling you can install multiple java versions on your VM and use environment variables (like JAVA_HOME) to signal which one an environment should use. For development, our team has also leveraged a tool called jEnv which can help you manage multiple java installs.

I can read that my Enterprise Search 8.9.2 should support OpenJDK Java 1.8

David got our team's attention, and we'll work to get that compatibility matrix updated. I will assure you that this is a documentation error, and that only Java 11 is intended to be supported at this time. You can see it listed as a prerequisite in our product documentation: Run Enterprise Search server using downloads (packages) | Enterprise Search documentation [8.11] | Elastic

OK thank you. In which configuration of Enterprise Search file I can (should) set the JAVA_HOME?

You can set environment variables in enterprise-search*/config/env.sh, or you could set them in whatever script/tool you're using to run bin/enterprise-search (might be a Docker entrypoint, a bash script, a service script, etc)

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