Supported OpenJDK >v11 - RHEL Environment


I have a single node deploy of Enterprise/Elastic Search in RHEL 8.

Red Hat has the following lifecycle for various OpenJDK rpms:

Application Stream Release Date Retirement Date Release
OpenJDK 21 Nov 2023 Dec 2029 8.9
OpenJDK 17 Nov 2021 Dec 2027 8.5
OpenJDK 8 May 2019 May 2026 8.0.0
OpenJDK 11 May 2019 Oct 2024 8.0.0

The running Ent Search install is using JDK v11. The concern is when RH puts this version in retirement it will no longer receive security errata.

I'm aware of the support matrix for JDK and Ent Search. I also see the notices in the service logs warning about using the unsupported version(s). But I'm wondering if there is an idea of when Enterprise Search will officially support JDK >v11?

From what I can tell, in general, the app appears to function with v17 or v21 installed.

Is this something that will be rolled into when Elastic v9 is released? If so, hopefully that will be prior to v11 retirement by RH.



You may want to take a look at Adoptium then as it is support by Elastic and will be maintained for a while(

Best regards

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Hi, Wolfram

Thanks for the suggestion. I may resort to this based on Elastic Enterprise Search support of JDK versions newer than 11.

Still interested in knowing when Enterprise Search will officially support newer versions of JDK.

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