Specifying custom date fields in an Elasticsearch index template

I've tried updating my index template to allow an epoch and ISO8601 date format directly at the mapping level in Elasticsearch, which should override the @timestamp field. So far I've had no luck. My template can be viewed here http://pastebin.com/1DCT6GfM.

Essentially, once I parse the json logs are parsed by Logstash, Elasticsearch should recognized those fields and automatically update the @timestamp field. Examples of potential log events include:

{"timestamp_epoch": "1432146610", "message": "This is a test message to test epoch timestamp events", "category": "testing", "country": "EU"}


{"timestamp_iso8601": "2015-05-20T14:30:20-05:00", "message": "This is a test message to test epoch timestamp events", "category": "testing", "country": "US"}

Please note that every other mapping in that template works fine except for timestamp_epoch and timestamp_iso8601. I can tell those two mappings aren't taking affect because the @timestamp isn't updating to the proper value.

You can see a few of the raw sample Elasticsearch entries here: http://pastebin.com/HmtmNNAb

The type for timestamp_iso8601 is updating to date, but it's not overriding the @timestamp field and timestamp_epoch set to string instead of date

I'd really appreciate if someone could clarify exactly what it is that i'm doing incorrectly.

Thanks for the help!