Split nested json array

I would like to to retrieve every element in below JSON to be a field so as to visualize in kibana by applying metrics in dashboard.


I need each object in the array VectorList to be a separate entry in Elasticsearch and every attribute like LocalizationId etc to be a field. How would I create filter in configuring Logstash to do this?

I know that i sould use split filter, but my attempts failed. Is there anyone who can help me define the filter?

I can add that message value was created by wcf service using Json.NET - Newtonsoft so characters like " are generated automatically.

The general idea is to use a json filter to parse the JSON string in the message field and then use a split filter to split the array in the VectorList field we got from the json filter.

If you show us what you have so far it'll be easier to help.

I would like to have output to elasticsearch



Yes, I understand that. I'm interested in what your Logstash configuration looks like so far.

filter {

    split { 
        field => "message"
	 mutate {
		add_field => { 
			"LocalizationId" => "%{[message][VectorList][ServiceVariantId]"
			"ServiceVariantId" => "%{[message][VectorList][ServiceVariantId]}"
			"Date" => "%{[message][VectorList][Date]}"
			"IsAvailable" => "%{[message][VectorList][IsAvailable]}"
			"FreeTermCount" => "%{[message][VectorList][FreeTermCount]}"
			"SegmentFreeTermCount" => "%{[message][VectorList][SegmentFreeTermCount]}"
			"FilterValue" => "%{[message][VectorList][FilterValue]}"

remove_field => [ "[message]" ]


Insert a json { source => "message" } filter prior to your split filter and change the split filter's field option to "VectorList".

Thanks for advice,

my single row in file:

I would like you to pay attention to the format
{"message":"{ ...}"

and when i added
filter {
json { source => "message" }
i received error parsing json:

How can i resolve it?

OK, i repaired my single row and now parsing is ok


[Magnus Bäck] Thanks for your help. Everythink is ok, below is my logstash configuration which is correct and generate event per element in my vectorList.

input {
file {
type => "MyLog"
path => ["C:/logs/X/*.json"]
start_position => "beginning"
codec => json

filter {
json { source => "message" }

split { 
    field => "VectorList"

mutate {
	add_field => { 
		"LocalizationId" => "%{[VectorList][ServiceVariantId]}"
		"ServiceVariantId" => "%{[VectorList][ServiceVariantId]}"
		"Date" => "%{[VectorList][Date]}"
		"IsAvailable" => "%{[VectorList][IsAvailable]}"
		"FreeTermCount" => "%{[VectorList][FreeTermCount]}"
		"SegmentFreeTermCount" => "%{[VectorList][SegmentFreeTermCount]}"
		"FilterValue" => "%{[VectorList][FilterValue]}"
	remove_field => [ "[message]" ]


output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
hosts => [""]

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