Split value in logstash

Hi all,

i have field called CONGESTION_LEVEL that may contain the values 0 , 1 , 2 , 0;N , 1;N , 2;N or may be empty, i want to add integer field that may contain 0 ,1 ,2 values:
if the CONGESTION_LEVEL field is 0 1 or 2 then no change on the value
if the CONGESTION_LEVEL field is 0:N 1;N or 2:N then i need to split it and stay with only the number
else the new field will contain the vaue 0
i am using Logstash 6.0

input {
file {
path => "/var/log/Optimize/reports/transactionsLog/transaction.log.402"
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
csv {
separator => " "
convert => {
"UPSTREAM_SIZE" => "integer"
"DOWNSTREAM_SIZE" => "integer"
"NUMBER_OF_STALLS" => "integer"
"CONGESTION_LEVEL" => "integer"
"START_TIME" => "date"
"END_TIME" => "date"
ruby {
code => "event.set('CONGESTION_LEVEL_NEW', event.get('CONGESTION_LEVEL'))"
}else if ";" in [CONGESTION_LEVEL]{
ruby {
code => "event.set('CONGESTION_LEVEL_NEW', event.get('CONGESTION_LEVEL')[0..1])"
ruby {
code => "event.set('CONGESTION_LEVEL_NEW', 0)"

output {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]


You can use the gsub option of a mutate filter to remove ";N" from the end of the string. You also need a conditional wrapping a mutate filter to set the field value to zero if the field is empty.

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Your logic seems fine, but you're making it a bit more convoluted than needed. This should work (since you're using inline Ruby anyway).

filter {
    ruby {
        code => "
            event.get('CONGESTION_LEVEL')[0].to_i < 3 ? event.set('CONGESTION_LEVEL', event.get('CONGESTION_LEVEL')[0].to_i) : 0
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