How to convert this to kibana query language?
index=visiona "field id=\"0\" value=\"0110\"" | rex max_match=0 "field id=\"39\" value=\"(?<code>([0-9A-Z]+))\"" | where code = "00" OR code="N0" OR code="91" | timechart count by code
and this
index=visiona sourcetype=fo_csshi "<field id="0" value=\"" | rex max_match=0 "field id=\"2\" value=\"(?<bin>([0-9]+))" |
where bin in ("544674" ,"547396" ,"547396","455065","455080","472817","477924","490823","477540","524382","477262","477263","523427","416311")
| rex max_match=0 "<service>Transaction service time is (?<servicetime>([0-9]+)) ms</service>" | rex max_match=1 "<field id=\"0\" value=\"(?<msgcode>([0-9]+))\"" | where msgcode="1100" OR msgcode="1120" OR msgcode="1200" OR msgcode="1220" OR msgcode="1420" | stats perc95(servicetime) as czas_procesowania by msgcode | eval check=if((czas_procesowania<250) ,"OK","PROBLEM")
And is there any tutorial for rewrite from splunk query to Kibana query?