Springboot maven project - RUM & APM Traces are not having same trace id

hello team,

I came across the issue whee i am not getting same trace id for RUM & APM transaction.

E.g. i initiate the transaction "login" and i get the transaction detail in APM (service - springboot-consumer) & RUM (service - spring-boot) both but the transaction contains different trace id

kindly suggest what we can do to get the same trace id?

My infrastructure details as below:

Application Hosted on : Springboot (Maven)

RUM Configuration detail as below:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@elastic/apm-rum@5.12.0/dist/bundles/elastic-apm-rum.umd.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
serviceName: 'spring-boot',
serverCert: "src\main\resources\ca.crt",
VerifyServerCert: false,
serverUrl: ''
}) </script>

hi @GregKalapos kindly suggest das i tried the similar solution i applied for asp dotnet core application but it is not working for springboot

hi any suggession will be helpful

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