SQL like in elastic

Is it possible to search in elastic like "SQL LIKE" works ?? I have tried to search with wildcard but it is not working if there are spaces in word. Can I somehow adjust the wildcard usage to that case?

It's not recommended but if you want it do that against a keyword field data type or don't analyze the field.

i have tried this way

    DELETE wildcardtest

    PUT /wildcardtest
      "mappings": {
        "doc": {
          "properties": {
            "name": {
              "type": "keyword"
    PUT wildcardtest/doc/1
      "name": "Armenian Dram"
    PUT wildcardtest/doc/2
      "name": "US Dollar"

    GET wildcardtest/_search
       "query": {
        "wildcard": {
          "name": "*ian dram*"

but i don't get any result

It's because your text is not analyzed.

This one works:

GET wildcardtest/_search
   "query": {
    "wildcard": {
      "name": "*ian Dram*"

If you really want to do that, you need may be to lowercase the content by using a lowercase normalizer or change the type to text and use a simple analyzer.

if i change type to text and also use lowercase normalizer wildcard will not work with space ... okey if it's not recommended use wildcard with spaces how can i get "SQL like" effect with elastic

May be explain the use case so we can help to find a better approach?

By use case I mean: what type of documents, what are your users going to enter in the search bar, ...

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