SQL Lite aggregare on non grouped Column

Hi @leandrojmp ,

I have a requirement where I need to apply order on a filed in Elasticsearch which is formed dynamically on the fly and it is not part of original index.

My Sample document looks like

  "deviceType": "desktop",
  "personalizedSignal": "sdf",
  "componentPosition": "top",
  "count": 10,
  "environment": "sdfsdf",
  "pageType": "hp",
  "eventName": "click",
  "analyticsID": "sdfsdf",
  "timestamp": 1691589600000

  "deviceType": "desktop",
  "personalizedSignal": "sdf",
  "componentPosition": "top",
  "count": 10,
  "environment": "sdfsdf",
  "pageType": "hp",
  "eventName": "impression",
  "analyticsID": "sdfsdf",
  "timestamp": 1691589600000

I am running sqllite statement from Superset where I need to display and order by a column which is determined on the fly


GET _sql?format=txt
"query": """
SELECT analyticsID,
(1.0 * click/impression) as CTR
(select analyticsID,
when eventName='impression' then (count)
end) impression,
when eventName='click' then (count)
end) click
from "rollup-dco-dummy-index"
group by analyticsID) order by CTR DESC

I am getting an error like below

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "verification_exception",
        "reason": """Found 1 problem
line 15:41: Cannot order by non-grouped column [CTR], expected [analyticsID] or an aggregate function"""
    "type": "verification_exception",
    "reason": """Found 1 problem
line 15:41: Cannot order by non-grouped column [CTR], expected [analyticsID] or an aggregate function"""
  "status": 400


Sorry, I cannot help as I never used the SQL interface in Elasticsearch, I have no experience with it.

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