We experienced some strange behavior from Kibana, while opening Kibana we got the following error:
{"statusCode":429,"error":"Too Many Requests","message":"[circuit_breaking_exception] [parent] Data too large, data for [<http_request>] would be [4093269000/3.8gb], which is larger than the limit of [4063657984/3.7gb], real usage: [4093269000/3.8gb], new bytes reserved: [0/0b], with { bytes_wanted=4093269000 & bytes_limit=4063657984 & durability=\"PERMANENT\" }"}
We ran the command: "GET /_cat/fielddata?v&fields=*" and discovered that the problem was caused by a fielddata with high memory usage (3GB). This activated the circuit breaker and the errors in Kibana. The related node was also operating with high memory (95%). Clearing the fielddata memory solved the errors in Kibana and stabilized the node.
We still don’t know why the fielddata memory was that high and why it’s being used. We thought that by default the usage of fielddata was disabled. We also checked the index that contains the problem field, but I don’t see any mappings with “text” type fields.
Can someone help me out and clarify how the fielddata usage works and which factors can lead to the high memory usage.