Storage in Frozen nodes on Elastic Cloud


Can anyone clarify what the storage of Frozen nodes on Elastic Cloud refers to? Is it the local storage of the node itself, or does it represent the storage used by the repository for searchable snapshots (e.g., S3)?

I'd like to understand if Elastic Cloud considers the storage of searchable snapshots as part of the frozen node's storage or if there’s a distinction between local node storage and remote snapshot storage.


Hi @yago82

I thought we answered this here

The local SSD storage directly attached to frozen node is the cache.. that is part of the cost of the node which is fixed monthly cost...whether you use 1GB of the SSD or the entire disk.

The S3 searchable snapshot resides on S3 which is referenced by the node that cost is variable depending on how much you use.

That cost is NOT part of the fixed node cost it is part of a part of the Data Transfer and Storage costs... And is charged per GB stored per month ...

So let's do a little calculation.

Using the detailed Pricing Sheet

CSP : Azure
Region: Virginia
Frozen Profile:
Cost per GB Ram Per Hour : $0.0729 GB-hour

So a 15GB Node with FIXED 1.32 TB local cached storage that supports UP TO 23.44 TB S# storage

That is $0.0729 GB-hour * 15 GB * ~720 Hours / Month = $787.32 per monthly FIXED Cost.... no matter how much S3 searchable Snapshot is used this is what you will pay monthly for that node. Think of this as your fixed cost for that nose node of that size

Then you will need to calculate the S3 that is Attached ,which could Grow i.e. it is variable!

Say Month 1, you have 10TB of Searchable Snapshot.

From the same pricing list..

azure.snapshot-storage $0.033 GB/month

So 10 TB / monthly = 10,000 GB * 0.033 GB/month = $330 / Month

So you total cost for the Frozen Node is Monthly Fixed plus S3 Storage

~$787.32 + $330 = ~$1,117.32 / Month

There is also Storage API calls and Data Transfer here is details on that

Again if you run a small POC you will see the charges in very granular details.

Hope this Helps

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