Strange query sentence(can pass in Kibana but failed when Unmarshal)

hi all:
i have a sentence to query a group of users by terms (keyword field present uid) and with a range limit (long filed present unixtime ),the sentence can be executed in Kibana and curl, but when I use golang client( to perform the query, after json. Unmarshal(), the sentence is tampered,the range request is abandoned, why? my sentence disobey the json's rule?

"index" : {
"type": {
sentence in Kibana:
GET /index/type/_search?pretty
"query" : {
"constant_score" : {
"filter" : {
"bool" : {
"filter" : {
"range" : {
"time" : { "gte" : 1, "lte" : 1234321 }
"filter" : {
"terms" : {
"uid" : ["18888", "678","8888","654"]

sentence in golang program (before Unmarshal, it's right):
{"constant_score" : {"filter" : {"bool" : {"filter" : {"range" : {"time" : {"gte" : 1, "lte" : 1234321}}}, "filter" : {"terms" : {"uid" : ["18888", "678","8888","654"]}}}}}}

sentence in golang program(after Unmarshal, range clause disappeared ... ):
map[constant_score:map[filter:map[bool:map[filter:map[terms:map[uid:[18888 678 8888 654]]]]]]]

waiting answers ...

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