Struggling to define the mapping for nested schema where same element name is used in parent and child

I have been trying to define the proper mapping for my json schema. but after trying all possible variable types and other attributes I have not been able to upload my json.
In my json I have a key "P" which is nested and complex in nature. this element is present in different sibling level objects and exhibits text,array,nested,object .

after my schema gets created when I try to load my json it fails with below error
$ curl -XPnST 'http://localhost:9200/ridev2/1' -d @v22.jso
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"Can't merge a non object mapping [EXPLA.SIDEHED.P] with an object mapping [EXPLA.SIDEHED.P]"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"Can't merge a non object mapping [EXPLA.SIDEHED.P] with an object mapping [EXPLA.SIDEHED.P]"},"status":400}Sujits-MacBook-Pro:STABLE sujitbehera$

Not sure what to do if this issues doesn't get resolved I might have to switch to some other text search db to try out. Please help me understanding where am doing wrong.

My mapping json:
curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/ridev2?pretty'
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT http://localhost:9200/ridev2 -d '

The real josn which am uploading :-------
"The Code of Federal Regulations is...atest version of any given rule.",
"To det..ent of any given rule."
"":"The Paperwork Reductio...rdkeeping or reporting requirements.",
"P":"The term “[Reserved]” is used as a pl...dentally dropped due to a printing or computer error."
":"A subject index t...anua...also included in this volume ",
"":"Index and Finding Aids.",
"An index to ...” is carried within that volume.",
"The Fed....ral Register.",
"A List of C..FR titles."
"P":"The Government Publishing Office (GPO) ... 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000."
":"The full text of the C...Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800 (toll-free). E-mail, ",
"":"The e-CFR is..rnment Publishing Office. It is available at ",
"_":"January 1, 2016.",
Need urgent help

Each field must be mapped to a single type in an index, so if the field P is a string in one place it has to be so throughout the index.

Thanks for replying so quickly. But my input jsons are in that complex format and have different datatypes. What is the best way to handle this kind of scenario. I have around 5000 such jsons and I have just pasted a snippet actually each josn has around 10 such kind of objects.

The JSON will need to be transformed, but in order to find the best way you need to know the data and how it is to be queried. I am not aware of any generally applicable way to resolve this. Renaming fields and adding a type suffix might be one option but it is hard for me to tell how that affects querying.

Yah I had tried doing that by renaming the element names at different levels like at come places instead of "P" I made it "PP" if its of different type. I had tried ignore_all as well

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