Struggling with Tag Cloud Visualization


I'm very new to the Elastic stack and trying to use the tag cloud visualization feature in the following way.

My data is telemetry from IoT devices in the following form:

{"Item1": 99, "Item2": 55.30, "Item3": 80.999, "Item4": 70.5 }

This is sent every 30 seconds which I index into ES as a document with timestamp.

In the word cloud I want to visualize the words as the dictionary key name (eg: Item1, Item2, item3) and the size of the word must be the value of that key, every 30 seconds as the new data comes in, the visual must update.

I have tried slicing this in different ways from the visual and data side but don't seem to get it to work at all.
When looking at examples like this: the input data is completely different. There the size of the word is counted from the number of documents with that word.

Does the visualization do this out of the box with the data I have or do i need to transform it in some way, prior to indexing or with a script?

Any guidance on where to begin would be helpful!

Thanks in advance.

Can you show an example of the entire document?

Here is a sample of 3 different types of structures I tried:

    "_index": "myindex",
    "_type": "room",
    "_id": "AV-mhrMIYMziLe8dFL-l",
    "_version": 1,
    "_score": null,
    "_source": {
        "Item1": 56,
        "Item2": 55,
        "Item3": 86,
        "Item4": 56,
        "Item5": 86,
        "frame_number": "000007"
    "highlight": {
        "name": [
    "sort": [

      "_index": "myindex",
      "_type": "room",
      "_id": "AV-mhrMIYMziLe8dFL-l",
      "_version": 1,
      "_score": null,
      "_source": {
        "labels": "[{\"Metric\": 56, \"Name\": \"Item1\"}, {\"Metric\": 99.16121673583984, \"Name\": \"Item2\"}, {\"Metric\": 99.14371490478516, \"Name\": \"Item1\"}]",
        "crowd_score": 0,
        "name": "crowd02",
        "frame_number": "000007"
      "highlight": {
        "name": [
      "sort": [

"_index": "myindex",
"_type": "room",
"_id": "AV-mhrMIYMziLe8dFL-l",
"_version": 1,
"_score": null,
"_source": {
    "labels": "{\"Item1\": 56, \"Item2\": 56, \"Item3\": 86, \"Item4\": 56, \"Item5\": 55}",
    "crowd_score": 76,
    "name": "crowd02",
    "frame_number": "000007"
  "highlight": {
    "name": [

Is that issue already solved? Have similar question

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