Suppress Dissector mapping failure logs


I have some dissect filters in my configuration file which fail at certain points in time. Failure as such causes logstash to write a message on the lines of:

[2019-06-14T00:00:00,232][WARN ][org.logstash.dissect.Dissector] Dissector mapping, pattern not found {"field"=>"message1", "pattern"=>"%{daemonmsg}. Exit status %{exitstatus} returned %{function}", "event"=>{"message"=>"info 183: Daemon service checking status. @checkServiceStatus", "message1"=>"Daemon service checking status. @checkServiceStatus", "hostname"=>"", "timestamp"=>"Jun 13 23:59:57", "@timestamp"=>2019-06-14T06:59:57.000Z, "@version"=>"1", "code"=>"183", "source"=>"/var/log/messages", "process"=>"snc.cid.cloudrunner", "level"=>"info", "tags"=>["log", "_snccloudrunner_info_main_dissectfailure", "_snccloudrunner_info_second_dissectfailure"], "log"=>{"file"=>{"path"=>"/var/log/messages"}}}}

At /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log, is there any way i can suppress dissector mapping failure log and prevent it from being logged as it is causing clutter in my log messages.


added: = logstash.filters.dissect

logger.dissect.level = ERROR

in my file cant see any changes

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Try below, where filterdissect is an arbitrary name: = org.logstash.dissect.Dissector
logger.filterdissect.level = ERROR
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