Synthetic monitoring Authentication

I would like to use synthetic monitoring to monitor out APIs.
Some of these apis are public but some of them are protected by oauth and mtls.
For oauth protected APIs I understood that I can create a 'journey' and use the request object to retreive the oauth Token.

But what about mtls? Can I define the client certificate somewhere? and where the client certificate has to be saved?

I actually found that you can setup the ssl certficates:
HTTP options | Heartbeat Reference [8.15] | Elastic

What about oatuh? is there a way to have an oauth protected API ping test with a lightwaight monitor? or Should I use the journey ?

Hi @fabry_00,

I'm not aware of a way to handle OAuth token-based pings in a Lightweight monitor. It is possible with a journey using a similar approach covered in this post.

Hope that helps!