Synthetic Monitoring : Multi-Level Monitoring

Hello Elastic,

I have a use case where I am monitoring specific application.

For example, the application have a technology stack on it which is Azure AD Login.

The one that is failing is the AAD Login and the website application itself working fine.

How do we monitor this efficiently or do like a multi-level monitoring to alert that the application is down and not the technology stack on it experiencing downtime?

Appreciate your advice on this.

Thank you.

Hi @aisyaharifin,

If the software stack has a separate endpoint you can use for a health check, you could try monitoring that with a lightweight monitor (http/tcp/icmp)? That way you'd know if the AAD becomes unavailable.

You could alternatively use our APM solution to monitor your own application internally, and if you have access to the AAD login's log files you could ingest them and monitor via our Logs solution. This would help give you greater visibility into what's going on with these technologies.

Please let me know if any of these options sound like serviceable alternatives to you, or if you have follow-up questions.

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