Synthetic Project for Multiple Spaces


I have synthetic project script where we have multiple journeys file configured to be push to different spaces.

However I couldn't find a way to push for a specific journey script towards assign space.

How do I configure this? How do I point out specific journey for specific space?


Hello @aisyaharifin ,

Have you tried creating the spaces and organizing your journeys by spaces? This way, you can use the --space flag to run Synthetic Monitoring for each space:

Hello @Alex_Salgado-Elastic ,

Yes I did try that, but as far as i know that works for one space only for a single run. Correct me if Im wrong.

Can we do for multiple spaces for multiple journey in a single run?

I did try to play around with the project space under synthetic config.

But how do I do if I have multiple journey files under journeys folder that I would like to point out to different space?

I configure the script in a pipeline and would like to ingest in bulk for example we have 100 monitors that we would like to ingest but with different2 space, how do we do this with a single run?

Do I define in my journey script?


Can you organize the scripts into folders by spaces?

  ├── space1
  │   ├── journey1.js
  │   └── journey2.js
  ├── space2
  │   ├── journey3.js
  │   └── journey4.js

This way, you could create a shell script to run the journeys.