Hi all,
I'm willing to explore the new syntethic features.
I downloaed the repo, and launched the command:
cat examples/inline/short.js | npx @elastic/synthetics --inline
However, the script failed to complete the hover action. Activating DEBUG, the script correctly recognized the css element, but failed to "hover" on it.
Is there something I'm missing?
Thank you
NOTE: I changed the test from page.hover
to page.$
and now it works correctly.
Journey: inline
at 2788 ms register step: load homepage
at 2788 ms register step: hover over products menu
at 2788 ms Runner: before hooks for (inline)
at 2788 ms Runner: emit> step:start
at 2788 ms Runner: start step (load homepage)
pw:api => page.goto started +1ms
pw:api navigating to "https://www.elastic.co", waiting until "load" +2ms
pw:api navigated to "https://www.elastic.co/" +415ms
pw:api navigated to "https://a18132920325.cdn.optimizely.com/client_storage/a18132920325.html" +989ms
pw:api "domcontentloaded" event fired +169ms
pw:api navigated to "https://www.elastic.co/" +189ms
pw:api navigated to "https://play.vidyard.com/YEBGzbYwDdnvss6NXn1xzo?disable_popouts=1&v=4.2.30&type=inline&referring_url=&autoplay=0&hidden_controls=0&muted=1&loop=0&disable_analytics=0" +686ms
pw:api navigated to "https://play.vidyard.com/YEBGzbYwDdnvss6NXn1xzo?disable_popouts=1&v=4.2.30&type=inline&referring_url=&autoplay=0&hidden_controls=0&muted=1&loop=0&disable_analytics=0" +4ms
pw:api navigated to "about:blank" +7ms
pw:api navigated to "https://info.elastic.co/index.php/form/XDFrame" +105ms
pw:api "load" event fired +345ms
pw:api <= page.goto succeeded +0ms
at 5700 ms Runner: end step (load homepage)
at 5700 ms Runner: emit> step:end
✓ Step: 'load homepage' succeeded (2911 ms)
at 5700 ms Runner: emit> step:start
at 5700 ms Runner: start step (hover over products menu)
pw:api => page.hover started +1ms
pw:api "domcontentloaded" event fired +1ms
pw:api waiting for selector "css=[data-nav-item=products]" +3ms
pw:api selector resolved to visible <li data-nav-item="products" class="jsx-4008395266 n…>…</li> +23ms
pw:api attempting hover action +3ms
pw:api waiting for element to be visible and stable +0ms
pw:api element is visible and stable +28ms
pw:api scrolling into view if needed +0ms
pw:api done scrolling +0ms
pw:api checking that element receives pointer events at (201,42) +2ms
pw:api <div id="iubenda-cs-title">Notice</div> from <div role="alertdialog" id="iubenda-cs-banner" aria-l…>…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events +3ms
pw:api retrying hover action, attempt #1 +0ms
pw:api waiting for element to be visible and stable +0ms
pw:api element is visible and stable +26ms
pw:api scrolling into view if needed +0ms
pw:api done scrolling +1ms
pw:api checking that element receives pointer events at (201,42) +1ms
pw:api <div id="iubenda-cs-title">Notice</div> from <div role="alertdialog" id="iubenda-cs-banner" aria-l…>…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events +3ms
pw:api retrying hover action, attempt #2 +0ms