Ive got a counter on each running kubernetes pod:
{ name: foo, counter: 5, pod.uuid: 111, timestamp: 1 } and { name: foo, counter: 10, pod.uuid: 111, timestamp: 2 }
{ name: foo, counter: 5, pod.uuid: 222, timestamp: 1 }
{ name: bar, counter: 5, pod.uuid: 222, timestamp: 1 }.
I want to have a table with:
foo |. 15
bar |. 5
This boils down to retrieving the last-value grouped-by pod.uuid and name. These values, then need to be summed grouped by name.
I tried with TSVB, but this seems to be too limited to support this.
Could someone help me with suggesting the right approach? I feel that this counter example shouldnt be the hardest thing to visualize but Im struggling