Technical details about ElasticSearch and Kibana

Hi everyone my name is Dragos, our team is developing novel wearable technology and will soon introduce a product to the HSE market to help monitor hazardous exposure in the working environment.

We would like to move our existent dashboard ( Django & PostgreSQL ) to ES & Kibana and I have a few questions if anyone would like to help answer them. We are looking to move it to ES Cloud.
We also checked the documentations but, it's better if we can here from your experience and also I have added our case at the moment so maybe we can get some infos about the configuration required.

How is the user management ?
Can we add graphs, cron jobs, user permissions ?
What protocols use ES API ?
What is the scalability ?

User permissions :
Permission tree
-2 Admins
->3 Managers
-->15 Workers

Can we have different groups with different permissions ?
Do we need to deal with this part or is already integrated ?

15 devices
12 reads/second per worker - 180 reads / second + stock.
1,4GB per device on 10 hours working/day

I am interested in our case for
15 devices
1,4GB/device/day -> 1,4GB*15/day
We will send 12 readings from our device to dashboard to be ingested
15 devices - > 180 reads/second and we also need to save all this data in order to process it later.

Can we ingest this amount of data without problems ?

What would you consider a good configuration so we can ingest this data without problems or faults ? Can you please let me know by using ElasticSearch Price Calculator. (GB/ram for kibana, storage, how many fault zone we need, check our case)

How can we send this data? ( at the moment we use websockets, does the API help us? )

Can we display real time graphs with this data?

What subscription do you think we need for our project having all these details? Sales recommend me the Gold one but he also said we can work with the basic one.

Can we customise the dashboard with our bootstrap template?

Once we deploy our server on AWS or GCP with ES & Kibana do we have full access to it ?

Please read the documentation and relevant blogs as this will allow you to ask more targeted questions. Also always show what you have done so far and describe what the question or problem you are facing is. This will greatly improve your chance of getting a good response.

This forum is manned by volunteers, and I, like many others, are happy to help out and answer questions, but will generally not read and summarise the documentation for you.

Thank you for the answer. I was more interested in a configuration that can work with our case, so we can deploy the service. The person from sales guided me here to ask.

I would much appreciate if anyone can help just with some approximate GB/ RAM we need for Kibana and GB/RAM for An I/O optimized Elasticsearch instance running on an AWS i3 and how many fault tolerances do usually people use.

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