Tenable.io integration - missing FIXED vulnerabilities


I started to test tenable.io integration (great work BTW) and found a little issue.
Vulnerabilities with state FIXED are missing in logs-tenable_io.vulnerability indexes, I can only find OPEN and REOPENED events.

In tenable API doc it's written that if you don't specify a state in body, it will return OPEN, REOPENED, FIXED states : Refine Vulnerability Export Requests

I did a test and API behavior looks different :

--------- TEST 1 : no state filter (exactly what do tenable.io integration) ----------
JSON body :
  "num_assets": 50,
  "filters": {
    "last_found": 1653655049,

Results :

count state                     
----- ---- 
  317 OPEN                     
  167 REOPENED                 

--------- TEST 2 : state filter ----------
JSON body :
  "num_assets": 50,
  "filters": {
    "state": [
    "last_found": 1653655049,

Results :

count state
----- ----                     
  317 OPEN                     
  167 REOPENED                 
   63 FIXED                    

Looks like if you don't specify state=open,reopened,fixed in json body, you will never get fixed vulnerabilities.

  - set:
      target: body.filters.state
      value: '[open,reopened,fixed]'

CC: @jamie.hynds


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Thanks for flagging this @marrc.rousseau - we're investigating this on our side and will report back shortly :slight_smile:

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Thanks @jamie.hynds

Quick update :
API documentation seems to confirm what I saw:

array of strings
This parameter is required if your request includes first_found, last_found, or last_fixedparameters. If your request omits this parameter, the export includes default states open and reopened only.

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