TermQuery upgrade

Hi, I'm working through an upgrade and have an existing function using List for values in a TermQueryBuilder.
I've found online a method to convert the values into a FieldValue, but I'm not sure how to handle the case when Object is passed (due to how the code might send in any data type).

Any guides?

fun getTermFilter(searchType: SearchType?, field: String, values: List<Object>): Query? {
    if (values.isEmpty()) return null

    val valuesToUse = TermsQueryField.Builder()
    val builder = TermsQuery.of { t -> t
        .terms(valuesToUse) }._toQuery()

I think you got it, putting everything together in a search request should look something like:

        var list = new ArrayList<Object>();
        SearchRequest.of(s -> s
            .query(q -> q
                .terms(t -> t
                    .terms(tt -> tt.value(list.stream().map(FieldValue::of).toList())))));
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Thanks for replying @ltrotta - but the issue is still that this bit of code fails, as
FieldValue::of can't be resolved, since FieldValue doesn't operate on an Object (which is in the list).

FieldValue does operate on Objects, it converts them directly to Json, so they need to be serializable for it to work.