Terms with a list of elements to match

Hi there!
Just me trying my first steps with Elastic Search.
Im writing some C# code and what i need it is to match many terms with some ID at Elastic S.

Im trying something like these, but woth out no results :pensive:

var list = ["20","26",".....] -> List of Id´s to match

var result3 = client.Search(e => e.Query(
p => p.ConstantScore(
f => f.Filter(
t => t.Term("RuleID", list))

var result4 = client.Search(e => e.Query(
q => q.Terms(
p => p
.Field(f => f.RuleID)

var result = client.Search(e => e.Query(q => q.Terms(d => d.Field(c => c.RuleID).Terms(list))));

Just to be sure, when i call with these one, i get the results:

var result2 = client.Search(e => e.Query(p => p.MatchAll()).From(0).Size(23));

Can someone help me?
I´ve been diving into ES documentation, but no success at all.

Thanks in advance

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