Hi there
we are seeing are seeing a very significant increase in response times after upgrading our elasitc.co cluster from 1.7.6 to 2.4.4.
It generally performs worse across the board. Aggregations seem particularly slow,
- very basic float histogram on nested docs field (single)
- average
it used to have negligible affect on query time on 1.7.6. On 2.4.4 it easily doubles if not triples query time (say 40ms base + 80ms aggregations).
Since 2.4.4 is supposed to have docvalues on by default the assumption is aggregations would fly.
We don't have many docs - cca 8-10mil (incl. nested). Nothing else changed in the cluster. Queries got converted to 2.4.4.
Is there any obvious trick about migrating from 1.7 to 2.4.4 (or 2.* in general) that we've missed?
Note: we haven't reindexed everything from scratch. We captured a snapshot on old 1.7 cluster, restored it to new 1.7 cluster that was later upgraded to 2.4.4. Could this be potentially the cause of degraded performance?
Many thanks,