Theme settings for the forum are being ignored


Is there any way to force a theme for the forum? I want to use the Light theme, but it is forcing the dark theme to me.

Is it a bug on Discuss?

The Light (Main) theme is already selected on the settings and the Dark Mode is disabled, the option to force dark mode is also disabled on my browser.

Screenshot from 2023-06-08 10-30-09

Not sure what is happening as I can manage it for you on my side (well, I'm an admin, that might explain)...


I think I forced it to light mode now. Is it working for you?

He @leandrojmp

Yeah, there is an issue right now. I think the moderators are looking at it. I'm the same situation. Dark theme no matter what I do.


Got a temporary work around going into the settings, selecting the Main theme, but not saving, just clicking on the elastic log to go back to the main page.

It will be using the main theme, but it will revert back to the dark theme if I close the tab and open it again.

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What is your system (as in your OS) theme set as?

My OS is set to use Dark Mode, but this should not interfere with the setting in the discuss as dark mode is disabled at the browser level and the light mode was set in the forum.

@leandrojmp Try Now... mine seems to be working again

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If I set the default now the new button top right works as a toggle

Don't forget to save the settings at the bottom

Yeah, it works now, I saved the light theme in the Interface settings, closed the tab and it stills the Light theme as expected.

There was a bug in the theme component that forced it to set the forum theme to dark if your OS theme was also dark.

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