This Discourse does not appear in Google?

This Discourse seems to be a very valuable resource, but it doesn't seem to be indexed in Google at all. (I only got to know about it because it was linked somewhere on Github I think.) I can't even find it by searching for literally quoted snippets.

Is anyone looking into this problem?

Thanks for commenting on this, we're raised it internally.

Indeed. Nevermind then, sorry for the fuss. Either I was blind or it was different two or three days ago (had this draft open since then).

I think I know what happened.

For example this search does not show Incrementing an integer field. It does, however, show

Since I was looking explicitly for I didn't notice that in fact it shows the mailinglist archive page, and I guess it considers the Discourse entry a duplicate?

Ah, that's archive stuff that was pulled from the old mailing list.

Does that stuff get retro-actively indexed by Google @codinghorror?

Nah, nabble is outside our control. I think they were just mirroring the old Google Groups content anyway.

I will ask the DevRel team to reach out though to see what can be done.