Timelion -- filtering within query and choosing different indexes as a source

We are testing right now Timelion, and despite its syntax is a bit complicated to get to used to at a first glance, we do love this plugin!

My question is if it's possible to build a graph by referring to different indexes in Elastic and cross the data?

.es(index=bi*,'website:xyz.com.',metric='sum:revenue'), .es(index=traffic*,'context.page.path:/xyz.com/order')

Another question is if it's possible to apply a filter within the query. For instance, I want to search in specific index, where document contains a text string that I set in the query


I got an error

Timelion: Error: in cell #1: [illegal_argument_exception] Expected numeric type on field [date], but got [string]

I would appreciate very much your answer

1st questions. What do you mean by cross the data? Like take data from one index and divide it by data from a different index? That should be possible.

2nd question: Add "q=" to your query.


Thanks for reply, Brandon.

  1. Yes, correct. Make operations referring to different indexes
  2. provided example did not work, complains about :
    [illegal_argument_exception] Expected numeric type on field [date], but got [string]
    I think it complains about the first part of expression and is unable to understand that I want to select specific index.

Pardon me, if am a noob, but I feel the documentation on Timelion lacks examples

I guess I found an answer for my issue

  1. Selected index should contain the same date field as the index you are comparing to in timelion.json file:
    "es": {
    "timefield": "date",
    "default_index": "bi-experiment",
    "allow_url_parameter": false

Otherwise it will throw an exception as mentioned above:
[illegal_argument_exception] Expected numeric type on field [date], but got [string]

  1. Once I fixed that for testing in timelion.json I had a mismatch for one of the fields, as it was wrongly set as string, not double. So the expresion
    throwed Expected numeric type on field [commission], but got [string]

Wrong mapping prevented me from getting data from different indexes

All of our indexes use the same date field so we never came across that error. Glad to hear you figured it out.