I have an index with the following document structure:
"_source": {
"installcreatedbyusername": "xxxx",
"@timestamp": "2023-01-20T16:30:03.840332Z",
"type": "aegis",
"num_packages": 2,
"num_environments": 14,
"is_stage_only": true,
"end_time": "2023-01-20T12:14:24.252083Z",
"installisoutageconfirmed": true,
"@version": "1",
"changestatusname": "Finished",
"install_id": 7005,
"start_time": "2023-01-20T12:04:28.799086Z",
"total_time_taken": 595.452997,
"install_type": "NONPROD",
"installname": "xxxxxxxx",
"installissqlregenrequired": true,
"installoutagetype": "xxxxxxxxx",
"environment_names": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"installcreateddatetime": "2023-01-20T12:04:28.797302Z"
I am trying to generate a timelion graph for manual vs automated effort, and things appear to work, until I add in a query to start filtering my data.
My timelion queries (3rd is the one with the issue):
.es(index=aegis*,timefield=@timestamp,metric=cardinality:install_id,).multiply(50).divide(60).label("Engineer Time - NO Automation (hours)"),
.es(index=aegis*,timefield=@timestamp,metric=cardinality:install_id,).multiply(5).divide(60).label("Engineer Time - WITH Automation (hours)"),
.es(q='changestatusname: "Finished"', index=aegis*, timefield=@timestamp, metric=count:install_id).label('Finished Count')
Screenshot of my current results:
You can see that the 'Finished Count' line is always zero, when I know that is incorrect. What am I doing wrong here?