Timezone issue

What is the difference you are seeing? Can you provide more context and examples?

How are you ingesting your data? Does your date string have timezone information?

All data in Elasticsearch is stored as UTC, if you send a date string to Elasticsearch without specifying the timezone offset, it will assume that the date is in UTC.

For example, if you have something like this:

  • 2022-11-10 09:30:00 (local time Ireland)
  • 2022-11-10 09:30:00 (local time India)

They both will be treated as being in UTC by elasticsearch, which is wrong for India, since it is not in UTC, but it is correct for Ireland since it is in GMT time, which is the same as UTC.

The correct time would be:

  • 2022-11-10 04:00:00 (local time Ireland)
  • 2022-11-10 09:30:00 (local time India)

Since India is 05:30 ahead of UTC.

Can you provide more context on how your date string looks like in both locations and how are you ingesting your data?