Title case conversion in logstash filter-mutate

Env- Elastic 5.5

Requirement: For Kibana Region map, Country Name is required in Title case.

So, I can do this in logstash. I have tried below statement:

mutate {
gsub => [
# replace all first character of word with uppercase(Title Case)
"affected country", "(\w)(\w+)", "\U$1\L$2"

But I am getting output as \U$1\L$2 \U$1\L$2 which is a regex converted to string

Any suggestion how to achieve this

You can use Ruby's capitalize method to avoid regex patterns, like so:

filter {
    ruby {
        code => "
            event.set('affected country', event.get('affected country').capitalize)

This statement will capitalize all the characters. I want title case . for example:

"i want a title case conversion of sentence."
"I Want A Title Case Conversion Of Sentence."

Because, Kibana country names for region map is required in such format.
It won't accept "united kingdom" OR "UNITED KINGDOM".
So, I need to convert it as "United Kingdom".

We can do this with Kibana scripted fields. But that is not working with Region Map.

Ruby's capitalize surely does not make uppercase all characters (example) . I also tested it in Logstash 5.6.5 and it works as intended. What version of Logstash are you using?

Anyhow, if you want to capitalize each word in a sentence and not a single word, use this.

filter {
    ruby {
        code => "
            event.set('affected country', event.get('affected country').split(' ').map(&:capitalize).join(' '))

Yeah Paz, It worked like a charm. I think i need to get more deep in ruby queries. Thank you very much.

How to put field name in this script?

Like I kept "affected country"

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